Several years ago I was asked to take pictures of a precious family for Odessa Regional Hospital. All I knew going in to the photo shoot was that I was going to have to try my best to capture the personalities of three year old triplets. I was preparing myself to meet three little miracles that according to the doctors would quite possibly not survive pregnancy much less birth. However, these three not only survived but faced all challenges during their stay in the NICU after being born several months premature as well as further challenges during their first year out of the hospital thanks to their strong, faithful parents who believed whole heartedly in providing a healthy home for them during pregnancy and beyond! These little miracles bounced, laughed, played, fought and ran from one end of the yard we were shooting in to the other during the two hour photo shoot. I have to say, I was not as prepared as I should have been but I was forever touched by meeting the Moya family that day! Each year the family participates in the March of Dimes Walk in Odessa, Texas. Last year they were 6th in the state. You have the opportunity to help their team this year. If you choose to purchase your book through my blog, simply click the ADD TO CART button above and proceed through the check out process. you will be prompted to add a gift message. Simply say donate to Team Moya and I will donate $1.00 to their team. All orders must be in by April 1, 2010. Thanks!
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