Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Living with FAS by Lubbock Avalanche Journal
Saturday, February 27, 2010
New Study on FAS
I found this on ARC's facebook page this morning. It is one of the most easy to read, simple bulleted guides I have seen to use when identifying fetal alcohol disorders, how to prevent them and understand them. I highly recommend reading it.
Friday, February 26, 2010
A Grandmother's Hand
As I reached over to grab the plate one Sunday evening at church during the taking of the body and blood of Christ, I looked at the elderly hand that was lifting it in my direction. Although I never looked up to see her face, the hand was that of a wiser woman, most likely one with many grandchildren, possibly even great-grandchildren. Oh how I wished it was my grandmother sitting next to me. Suddenly I caught myself fighting puddles in each eye as I remembered so many Sundays where I actually was sitting next to my grandmother in church. She was usually patting my leg, handing me a piece of gum or giving me a pencil. Sometimes she was following along in her bible as her crooked finger pointed at every word on each tattered page. I would give anything to be sitting beside her again. I would love to ask her advice on whether I am parenting my children correctly; am I giving them half as much unconditional love as she gave me or if I am being the woman that she always dreamed I could be. I would love to hear her laugh, see her dance....even wiggle her toes for that matter. I always knew that my grandmother was special but I never realized how much she impacted my life. Each decision I make today is due to the influence my grandmother made on me. I pray that I instill those same values on my children and my grandchildren. Thank you God for giving me such a powerful, earthly example.
I would also like to share an article with you that was posted today on
I would also like to share an article with you that was posted today on
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I Know Better Than To Ask God, Why?

Each day I discover another fascinating event that God has placed in my life for a predetermined reason. Once the discovery is exposed, the chills are joined with a small smile like a quiet conversation with God to say, "thank you" for thinking of me. I write about several of those moments in my book Forfeiting All Sanity but one moment was revealed to me the day I emailed "friends" in my contact list to let them know my book was available for purchase.
About 5 years ago, my husband and our three kids were sitting at Chilis eating dinner. A lady came over to our table to tell us she was admiring our little family and wanted to tell us so. I had just started a photography business not long before so when we left, I walked over and handed her a business card and told her if she ever need a photographer, I would love for her to consider me.
A few years passed and low and behold, she called me to take her daughter's senior pictures. She became a customer and I entered her contact information into my email system. A couple years later, she called again for me to take pictures of her family because they had just adopted a little girl.
A few days before she received the email about my book Forfeiting All Sanity, A Mother's Story about Raising A Child With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, she too received the news from her doctor that her adopted daughter will struggle throughout her lifetime with fetal alcohol syndrome.
Now was it a coincidence that we were both in Chilis that same day at the very same time and we were drawn to one another? I don't think so. That was God's way of drawing two people together that would one day discover that they would need each other for the rest of their lifetimes.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Go Team Moya!

Several years ago I was asked to take pictures of a precious family for Odessa Regional Hospital. All I knew going in to the photo shoot was that I was going to have to try my best to capture the personalities of three year old triplets. I was preparing myself to meet three little miracles that according to the doctors would quite possibly not survive pregnancy much less birth. However, these three not only survived but faced all challenges during their stay in the NICU after being born several months premature as well as further challenges during their first year out of the hospital thanks to their strong, faithful parents who believed whole heartedly in providing a healthy home for them during pregnancy and beyond! These little miracles bounced, laughed, played, fought and ran from one end of the yard we were shooting in to the other during the two hour photo shoot. I have to say, I was not as prepared as I should have been but I was forever touched by meeting the Moya family that day! Each year the family participates in the March of Dimes Walk in Odessa, Texas. Last year they were 6th in the state. You have the opportunity to help their team this year. If you choose to purchase your book through my blog, simply click the ADD TO CART button above and proceed through the check out process. you will be prompted to add a gift message. Simply say donate to Team Moya and I will donate $1.00 to their team. All orders must be in by April 1, 2010. Thanks!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Shocking Discovery

I recently learned that there are two children in our community that are expecting children of their own. One girl is only 9 years old and the other child is only 10. This discovery only makes me more aware that the younger the girls are these days, the more possible it is that they are making other inappropriate decisions as far as drinking alcohol while engageing in sexual behaviors.
It is up to us as a nation under GOD to encourage children of all ages to not only abstain from sexual behaviors but to educate them on the dangers of drinking during pregnancy. Please pray for all the children of the world!
My book is now available online for purchase.
If you are interested in booking a speaking engagement to create awareness in the junior high and high school level please contact me. Thank you!
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